Diet by blood type

The idea of nutrition based on blood type belongs to the American naturopathic physician Peter J. D'Adamo. He suggested a diet that will help you lose weight, improve your body and slow down aging. The idea is based on the fact that blood types were formed during the evolution of mankind. The peculiarities of their creation depended on the products that dominated the diet. The core of the system proposed by D'Adamo is the consumption of food that has formed a certain type of people.

food for diet by blood type

How a blood type diet works

The doctor sets out the principles of nutrition according to the food choices of our ancestors in his books, which have become best-selling books. Blood type is a system of red blood cells with antigens. It is characterized by the uniqueness of proteins and carbohydrates in cell membranes. In order to maintain the properties that nature sets itself, according to the naturopath, only foods that are suitable for the blood type should be eaten.

Dietary principles:

  • for-pass test to determine your exact group;
  • The Rh factor does not matter;
  • exclude completely inappropriate foods from your diet;
  • calories do not need to be counted;
  • there are no dose restrictions;
  • stick to a diet all your life.

The role of lectins in human nutrition

D'Adamo's theory is based on the danger of protein components in food. They are called lectins and have the property of binding carbohydrates to the surface of red blood cells. This process leads to clots of red blood cells and their precipitation. Lectin is found in large amounts in seeds, soybeans and wheat. These protein components can disrupt digestive processes, lead to excessive intestinal mucus secretion and slow down the absorption of food.

Dr. Peter says limiting diet to lectins will help improve health and prevent cancer and heart problems.

There is another perspective. It is based on the claim that not all lectins are harmful. If they are not abused, they are not dangerous to the body and some even have antitumor activity.

Weight loss efficiency

Blood type nutrition does not have a scientific database but can not be called ineffective. Nutritionists claim that dieting under this system helps to lose weight. They do not link weight loss to D'Adamo's theory, that dietary changes in one way or another will affect the body. Broadly speaking, 4 blood type diets are 4 separate plans.

They can both suit a person and be harmful - this does not depend on whether he belongs to a particular species.

What can be eaten by blood type

D'Adamo's idea is based on well-known facts about human evolution. Food menus were created according to methods of obtaining food. At the stage of hunting and gathering, meat was the main source of food. This results in blood type 1 (0 according to the AB0 system), which in Dr. Peter's theory is called "Hunters". After the introduction of man to the cultivation of vegetables and cereals, the 2nd group (A), or "Farmers", appeared.

At the beginning of the nomadic life and the emptying of cattle, dairy products appeared in the diet and the third blood group was formed ("nomadic", B). When red blood cells with different antigenic properties were mixed together, a new system was created. She is considered the youngest and rarest.

Individuals with blood type 4 (AB) are more adapted to modern living conditions than others and in D'Adamo's theory they are called "New People".

1 group "Hunters"

The old blood type was formed in the time of carnivores, when there was still no other food available. For blood type 1, the healthiest food is considered high in protein. Lean meat and poultry are the basis of the diet. Prohibited foods include pork, wheat, milk, cheese, coffee and alcohol.

You can eat annual fish, but to a limited extent.

2 group "Farmers"

People who cultivated crops in ancient times became the ancestors of the vegetarian. For the second blood type, it is allowed to eat plant foods - bread, vegetables, fruits, legumes. Red wine and coffee allowed. Fish can be used to eat mackerel, carp and herring. All types of meat, offal, mushrooms and milk are prohibited.

It is recommended that product processing be kept to a minimum.

3 groups of "nomads"

Those with type B blood are luckier than others. This group was formed with a mixed lifestyle, so the catalog for its representatives is large. Diet for blood type 3 should be tailored to the needs and wishes of each individual. A short list of prohibitions includes buckwheat, corn, wheat, peanuts and chicken.

They are easy to replace with other meat products, eggs and milk.

4 group "New people (townspeople)"

People with sensitive digestion and weak immunity have mixed blood patterns. This group is characterized by low gastric acidity, therefore it is necessary to reject smoked meat, pickles and alcohol. Allowed to eat seafood, rabbit meat, turkey meat, tofu, low-fat dairy products and green vegetables.

Cheese and offal are not forbidden, but it should be eaten infrequently.

One-day blood type menu

A special diet for blood types is made taking into account the characteristics of the organism. It is not only antigenic properties that affect your daily diet but also your health. If you have gastrointestinal problems, you should consult your doctor about an acceptable diet. During the treatment of chronic diseases, you should avoid diet.

It is recommended for all groups to drink a glass of clean water in the morning.

Example of a one-day menu for "hunters":

  • Breakfast: toast with peanut butter, 1 banana, a glass of tomato juice.
  • Lunch: fruit salad of grapes, pears, apples.
  • Lunch: baked beef, fresh herbs, apples.
  • Afternoon snack: a handful of walnuts, a glass of cherry juice.
  • Dinner: cod chops, beet salad.

Diet for the day for "farmers":

  • Breakfast: fruit, yoghurt.
  • Lunch: feta cheese, salad.
  • Lunch: salmon steak with lemon sauce and tomatoes.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese dessert, tea.
  • Dinner: baked vegetables.

One-day menu for "nomads":

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with apples, mint tea.
  • Lunch: prunes with nuts, ginger drink.
  • Lunch: creamy cabbage soup with mushrooms.
  • Afternoon snack: pea puree, green peppers.
  • Dinner: mutton cooked with vegetables.

Daily meal plan for "citizens":

  • Breakfast: porridge with milk, green tea.
  • Lunch: carrot juice, nuts.
  • Lunch: Julienne with turkey, cucumber salad.
  • Afternoon snack: apple puree, a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: boiled tuna, eggplant stew.

Benefits of diet

  1. Good portability. Calorie content and amount of food are not limited.
  2. Weight loss. Losing weight without further effort is only seen at the beginning of the diet. As the body gets used to it, it is necessary to increase exercise.
  3. Permanent effect. The diet is the right balance in terms of the main trace elements, the food compatibility of food for each individual blood type is good, so it is possible to follow the planned diet for a long time.
  4. Acceleration of metabolism. Switching to proper nutrition and incorporating protein into your diet will always help speed up your slow metabolism.
  5. Improving health. A blood test diet, when done correctly, has a positive effect on immunity and helps to eliminate toxins.

Risks and contraindications

  1. Some nutrient deficiency. Restrictions for certain groups (more for 1 and 2) can lead to a lack of calcium, therefore, during the diet, it is necessary to take vitamins and supplements to maintain the body.
  2. Too much protein. This is more true of group 1. Excessive protein intake with frequent meat consumption can lead to heart problems.
  3. There are contraindications. The diet is not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, individuals with severe chronic diseases.